Spare Parts and Accessories for Vespa

Vespa PX
Vespa PE
In rubber, black color

Vespa 125 VNB3T
Vespa 125 VNB4T
Vespa 125 VNB5T
Vespa 125 VNB6T
Vespa 150 VBA1T 110486 >
Vespa 150 VBB1T
Vespa 150 VBB2T
Vespa 150 GS VS5T 87590 >
Vespa 160 GS VSB1T
Vespa 150 GL VGLA1T
Vespa 150 GL VGLB1T
Diameter: 115 mm
In Plastic, Adjustable.

Vespa 50 N V5A1T
Vespa 50 L V5A1T
Vespa 50 R V5A1T
Vespa 90 V9A1T
Diameter: 105 mm
In Plastic

Vespa 50 N-L-R V5A1T
Vespa 90 V9A1T
Diameter: 105 mm

SIEM marked headlight glass for Vespa 50 SS/90 SS/125 PV/ET3/Super/150 Super
Vespa 90 V9SS1T
Vespa 125 Super
Vespa 125 Primavera
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3
Vespa 150 Super
Diameter: 115 mm

SIEM headlight glass with continuous vertical lines for Vespa 125 VM/VN/VNA/VNB1-2/150 VL
Vespa 125 VM1>2T
Vespa 125 VN1>2T
Vespa 125 VNA1>2T
Vespa 125 VNB1>2T
Vespa 150 VL1>3T
Diameter: 105 mm

SIEM marked headlight glass for Vespa 125 GT/150 GL/Sprint/180 SS
Vespa 125 GT VNL1>2T
Vespa 150 GL
Vespa 180 SS VSC1T
Vespa 150 Sprint VLB1T
Trapezoidal Shape

Original headlight glass SIEM Ø 115 mm for Vespa 125 VNB3-6/Super/150 Super/VB/VBA/VBB/VGL/GS/160 GS
Vespa 125 VNB3>6T
Vespa 150 VBA1T 110486 >
Vespa 150 GS VS5T 87590 >
Vespa 150 VB1T
Vespa 150 VBB1>2T
Vespa 150 GL VGLA1T
Vespa 150 GL VGLB1T
Vespa 160 GS VSB1T
Diameter: 115 mm

Optical group, complete with frame and 3-light lamp holder Optical group with lamp holder
Vespa 125 GTR VNL2T
Vespa 125 TS VNL3T
Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce VLB1T
Vespa 180 Rally VSD1T
Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T
Diameter: 130 mm
Transparent Glass

Optical group with lamp holder Ø 130 mm for Vespa 125 GTR/TS/150 SprintV/180-200 Rally
Vespa 125 GTR VNL2T
Vespa 125 TS VNL3T
Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce VLB1T
Vespa 180 Rally VSD1T
Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T
3-light lamp holder
Diameter: 130 mm
Transparent plastic

Complete optical group with frame and bulb holder Ø 130 mm for Vespa 125 GTR/TS/150 SprintV/180-200 Rally
Vespa 125 GTR VNL2T
Vespa 125 TS VNL3T
Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce VLB1T
Vespa 180 Rally VSD1T
Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T
3-light lamp holder
Diameter: 130 mm
Transparent plastic

Complete headlight assembly for Vespa 125 Primavera ET3/Super-150 Super
Vespa 50 Super Sprint V5SS1T, Vespa 90 Super Sprint from '66 V9SS1T, Vespa 125 Super VNC1T, Vespa 125 VMA1T>VMA2T, Vespa 125 ET3 VMB1T from '76, Vespa 150 VBC1T from '65
3-light lamp holder
Diameter: 115 mm
Transparent plastic

Bosatta optical group for Vespa Sprint150 (VLB1T), GL150 (VLA1T), GT125 (VNL2T), SS180 (VSC1T)
Vespa 125 GT VNL1>2T
Vespa 150 GL
Vespa 180 SS VSC1T
Vespa 150 Sprint VLB1T
Trapezoidal Shape (95x150 mm)
Transparent in plastic

Complete optical group with frame and bulb holder Ø 115 mm for Vespa 125 VNB3-6/150 VBA/VBB/VGLA-B/GS VS5/160 GS
Vespa 125 VNB3T
Vespa 125 VNB4T
Vespa 125 VNB5T
Vespa 125 VNB6T
Vespa 150 VBA1T 110486 >
Vespa 150 VBB1T
Vespa 150 VBB2T
Vespa 150 GS VS5T 87590 >
Vespa 160 GS VSB1T
Vespa 150 GL VGLA1T
Vespa 150 GL VGLB1T
3-light lamp holder
Diameter: 115 mm
Transparent plastic

Vespa 50 V5A1T N/L/R
Vespa 50 Special V5A2T
Vespa 50 Special V5B3T
Rough Finish
Notes: Printed up to half frame

Racing exhaust SIP ROAD XL Viper Box by Nordspeed for Vespa 200 Rally/P200E/PX200 E/Lusso/'98/MY/Cosa 200
Vespa 200 PX-PE
The advantages of the 'Viper Box' in summary:
- Wide power band
- High maximum power.
- Greater tilt angle/intelligently directed.
- Good thermal properties.
The "Viper Box" operates optimally when the cylinder opening times are
adjusted to fit its elaborate layout. A transfer port timing of: 130°
-136°, an exhaust port timing of: 190° -196°, and a blowdown timing of
30° -32° are recommended.

Optical group WITHOUT bulb holder for Vespa PK50-125 S/SS/ETS/XL
Vespa 50 PK SS (Abroad)
Vespa 80 PK S Automatic
Vespa 100 PK S Automatic
Vespa 125 PK S Automatic
Vespa 125 PK
Vespa 125 PK XL
Vespa 125 PK ETS VMS1T
Without lampshade holder but compatible with Original lampshade holder
Diameter: 135 mm

Vespa 50 Special V5A2>3T
Vespa 50 Special V5B1>4T
Lamp holder with 2 lights
Dimensions: 90x140 mm

Complete optical group with smooth glass bulb holder for Vespa P80-150X/PX80-200E/Lusso 1°/P150S/P200E
Vespa P 125 X
Vespa PX 125 E
Vespa PX 125 E Rainbow
Vespa P 150 X
Vespa PX 150 E
Vespa PX 150 E Rainbow
Vespa P 200 E
Vespa PX 200 E
Vespa PX 200 E Rainbow
Diameter: 140 mm
Smooth Polycarbonate Glass

Complete headlight assembly SIEM for Vespa N V5A1T/L V5A1T/R V5A1T/50 Revival V5R1T
Vespa 50 V5A1T N,L,R
Diameter: 105 mm
With socket as original
Transparent glass, marked SIEM

Vespa PX until 1983
Vespa PE until 1983
In Plastic, color black

Original SIEM headlight for Vespa 50 SS/90 SS/125 Primavera/ET3/Super/150 Super
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1T> VMA2T, Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T, 125 SUPER VNC1T, 150 SUPER VBC1T
Transparent in Glass
Diameter: 115 mm
Lamp holder fitting: 36 mm

Vespa 125 VM1>2T
Vespa 125 VN1T
Bezel and glass marked SIEM
Diameter: 105 mm
Transparent glass

Vespa cosa 125/150/200
Diameter: 150 mm
Transparent plastic
Notes: Compatible with original lamp holder

Original SIEM headlight assembly for Vespa 125 VNB3-6/150 VBA/VBB/VGLA-B/GS VS5/160 GS
Vespa 125 VNB3>6T
Vespa 150 VBA1T 110486 >
Vespa 150 GS VS5T 87590 >
Vespa 150 VBB1>2T
Vespa 150 GL VGLA1T
Vespa 150 GL VGLB1T
Vespa 160 GS VSB1T
Diameter: 115 mm
Lamp holder fitting: 36 mm
Chrome ring marked SIEM
Transparent glass

SIEM optical group without bulb holder for Vespa 150 VL1-2 > 48300
Vespa 150 VL1T
Vespa 150 VL2T>48300
Diameter: 105 mm
Frame and glass marked SIEM
Lamp holder fitting: 36 mm

Optical group SIEM without bulb holder for Vespa 125 VNA/VNB1-2T
Vespa 125 VNA1>2T
Vespa 125 VNB1>2T
Lamp holder fitting: 36 mm
Frame and glass marked SIEM
Transparent Glass

SIEM optical group without bulb holder for Vespa 150 VL2 48301->VL3
Vespa 150 VL2T 48301>
Vespa 150 VL3T
Lamp holder fitting: 36 mm
Frame and glass marked SIEM
Diameter: 105 mm

Vespa 125 VN2T
Socket fitting: 36 mm
Frame and glass marked SIEM
Diameter: 105 mm

SIEM optical group without bulb holder for Vespa 150 VB/VGL1/GS VS1-4T
Vespa 150 VB1T
Vespa 150 GS VS1T 005082>
Vespa 150 GS VS2T
Vespa 150 GS VS3T
Vespa 150 GS VS4T
Lamp holder fitting: 36 mm
Transparent glass marked SIEM

Frame/Headlight Rim Assembly Spring for Vespa 125/150 V1-15/V30-33/VU/VM/VN/VL/VB VNA1-2/VNB1-2/Hoffmann
Vespa 125 V1T>V15T
Vespa 125 V30>33T
Vespa 125 VM1>2T
Vespa 125 VN1T>2T
Vespa 125 VNB1T>2T
Vespa 125 VNA1T>2T
Vespa 150 VL1T>3T
In harmonic steel

Vespa Cosa CL-CLXC 125-150-200
Internal transmission with large frame
l=1035 mm/ 1015 mm

Vespa 160 GS VSB1T
Internal transmission with fine frame

Transmission Speedometer cable 2.7 mm for Vespa 125 VNB5T>6T-150 VBB2T
Vespa 125 VNB5T 32018>
Vespa 125 VNB6T
Vespa 150 VBB2T
Internal transmission with large frame
(LENGTH mm.970/1000) (BIG CABLE mm.2.7)

Complete odometer transmission for Vespa P80-150X/PX80-200E/P200E also suitable for LML Star 125-200 2T/4T/Star
Vespa 80/125/150/200 PX PE
Internal transmission in large frame
l=1028 mm/ 999 mm

Vespa PX (disc brake)
Internal transmission with large frame
Quick coupling
l=999 mm/ 980 mm

Odometer transmission for Vespa 50 N-L-R/50 Special/90/125 Primavera ET3
Vespa 50 V5A1T N,L,R
Vespa 90 V9A1T
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1>2T
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T (only speedometer with ring clamp)
Internal transmission in a large frame

Speedometer transmission for Vespa 125 GT/GTR/TS-150 Sprint/Veloce/Super
Vespa 125 Super VNC1T
Vespa 125 GT VNL2T
Vespa 125 GTR VNL2T
Vespa 125 TS VNL3T
Vespa 150 Super VBC1T
Vespa 150 Sprint VLB1T
Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce VLB1T
Vespa 180 Rally VSD1T
Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T
Internal transmission with large frame
Quick coupling

Vespa PX Rainbow
Vespa PE Rainbow
Vespa T5
Internal transmission with a large frame
Quick coupling

Vespa 125 Primavera ET3
Internal transmission with large frame
Quick coupling