Spare Parts and Accessories for Vespa

Vespa 50 Special V5B3>4T
Roof in Grey color

Complete headlight with black gasket for Vespa 125 Primavera VMA2T/ET3
Vespa 90 V9A1T 141544 >
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA2T 0140162 >
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T

Complete headlight with reflector BOSATTA for Vespa 50 N V5A1T-122876
Vespa 50 V5A1T N >49125
With aluminum ring
Without gasket

Original SIEM headlight with grey cover for Vespa 50 Special V5B3T
Vespa 50 Special V5B3>4T
Without gasket

Original SIEM headlight with black cover for Vespa 50 Special V5A2
Vespa 50 Special V5A2>3T
Vespa 50 Special Elestart
Without garnish

Headlight 09-BK-022-GR
Headlight 09-BK-023-GR

Light fixture fixing screw SIm FOR VESPA 125 VNB6T-150 GL-SPRINT/180 SS
Headlight 09-BK-017-GR

Fastening screws for Light Body 3x29 mm SIEM for Vespa 125 VNB6/150 GL/Sprint> 025478/180SS>0018000
Headlight 09-BK-016-GR

Light fixture body fixing screws for Vespa VNB1-5/150 VBB/GS VS5/160 GS
Headlight 09-BK-015-GR

Complete tail light with reflector for Vespa 50 PK S/Elestart/Automatica
Vespa PK 50
Vespa PK 50 S
Vespa PK 50 S Automatic

Vespa 50 SS V5SS1>2T
Vespa 90 SS V9SS1>2T
Vespa90 V9A1T>140160
Vespa 125 VMA1T
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA2T > 0140161
In Aluminum, without gasket

Complete taillight with reflector for Vespa 80/125/150/200 PX-PE
Vespa PX
Vespa PE
All except Arcobaleno

Complete headlight with original Piaggio reflector for Vespa 125/150/200 PX MY
Vespa 125 PX CAT ZAPM50100 '07
Vespa 125 PX VNX1T Millennium '98>'05
Vespa 150 PX VLX1T Millennium '98
Vespa 200 PE VSX1T Millennium '98

Complete headlight with reflector and black hood for Vespa 50 Special
Vespa 50 Special V5A2>3T
Vespa 50 Special Elestart
Black roof

Complete tail light with reflector for Vespa 125/150/160 VNB-VBB-GS
Vespa 125 VNB1>2T (to be painted)
Vespa 125 VNB3T
Vespa 125 VNB4T
Vespa 125 VNB5T
Vespa 150 VBA1T 110486>
Vespa 150 VBB1T
Vespa 150 VBB2T
Vespa 150 GS VS5T 0087590 >
Vespa 160 GS VSB1T
Material: Plastic
Finish: Chromed
Included: Gasket

Vespa 50 V5A1T N,L,R
Vespa 50 Special V5A2>3T
Vespa 50 Special V5B1>4T
Vespa 90 V9A1T
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1T>2T
Elastic plate with M6 thread

Thing 125 VNR1T
Thing 2 125 VNR2T
Thing 150 VLR1T
Thing 2 150 VLR2T
Thing 200 VSR1T
Original Piaggio

Aluminum Brake Pedal for Vespa 50 N 2°/L 2°/R 1°/S 2°/Special V5A2/3T/V5B1/2/4T/3T 1°/SR 1°/SS 2°/90 2°/R/SS 2°/100 1°/125 PV 2°/ET3 1°
Vespa 50 V5A1T >914747
Vespa 50 Special V5A2T > V5A3T
Vespa 50 Special V5B1>3T>230535
Vespa 50 SS V5SS1T > V5SS2T
Vespa 90 SS V9SS1T > V9SS2T
Vespa 90 V9A1T> 184926
Vespa 125 VMA1T > VMA2T > 192144

Complete cable clamp kit for Vespa 125 VNA–TS/150 VBA-T4/160 GS/180 SS/Rally
Vespa 125 VNA1>2T
Vespa 125 VNB1>6T
Vespa 125 Super VNC1T
Vespa 125 GT VNL2T
Vespa 125 GTR VNL2T
Vespa 125 TS VNL3T
Vespa 150 GL VLA1T
Vespa 150 VBA1T
Vespa 150 VBB1>2T
Vespa 150 Super VBC1T
Vespa 150 Sprint VLB1T
Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce VLB1T
Vespa 160 GS VSB1T
Vespa 180 SS VSC1T
Vespa 180 Rally VSD1T
Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T
Finish: Galvanized

Polished aluminum brake pedal for Vespa 125 VNB3T 083325->/TS/150 VBB1T 126335->Super/160 GS/180 SS/Rally
Vespa 125 VNB1>3T (Adaptable)
Vespa 125 VNB4>6T
Vespa 125 Super VNC1T
Vespa 125 GT VNL2T
Vespa 125 GTR VNL2T
Vespa 125 TS VNL3T
Vespa 150 GL VLA1T
Vespa 150 VBA1T (Adaptable)
Vespa 150 VBB1>2T (Adaptable)
Vespa 150 Super VBC1T
Vespa 150 Sprint VLB1T
Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce VLB1T
Vespa 160 GS VSB1T
Vespa 180 SS VSCT
Vespa 180 Rally VSD1T
Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T

Brake pedal return spring for Vespa 50 N/L/R-Special/90/125 Primavera ET3-PK-PX-PR-T5-LML
Vespa 50 V5A1T N,L,R
Vespa 50 Special V5A2>3T
Vespa 50 V5B1>4T
Vespa 90 V9A1T
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1T>2T
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
Vespa PK
Finish: Burnished

Vespa 125 VN1>2T
Vespa 125 VNA1>2T

Shockproof brake pedal gasket for Vespa 50 R 2°/S 3°/Special V5B3T 2°/90/125 Primavera 2°/ET3 2°/PK50/125/S/XL//PX80/125/150/200/PE/T5/'98/MY/'11
Vespa 50 V5A1T 914748>
Vespa 50 Special V5B3T 230536>
Vespa 90 V9A1T 184927>
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA2T 0192145>
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T 52721>
Vespa 125 PX
Vespa 150 PX
Vespa 200 PE
Vespa 50/125 PK

KIT Head Cap (5 pcs.) for rear brake sheath Ø INT.7.20-EXT.8 X SPIRAL SHEATH mm. 6
For rear brake cable / For rear brake cable
Inner diameter: 7.2 mm Outer diameter: 8 mm

Pair of left and right side panels for Vespa PX (1977-1983, models with indicators) - P80X, P125X, P150X, P200E - external closure
Vespa PX until 1981
Vespa PE until 1981
Finish: Raw
For models with EXTERNAL tie closure

Vespa 125 V30T > V33T
Vespa 125 VM1>2T
Raw steel
Dimensions: 50 x 53.5 cm

Raw platform complete with crossbars and reinforcements for Vespa 50 N 92877 ->/L/R/SS/90 SS/125 PV/ET3
Vespa 50 V5A1T N,L,R
Vespa 50 Special V5A2>3T
Vespa 50 Special V5B1>4T
Vespa 90 V9A1T
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1T>2T
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
Width: front--> 42.00 cm rear 41.5 cm (as original)
Length: 54 cm
Thickness: 10/10

Raw footboard for Vespa 125 VNA1T/VNA2T-VNB1T>4T-150 VBA1T-VBB1T
Vespa 125 VNA1T> 2T
Vespa 125 VNB1T> 3T
Vespa 125 VNB4T>110644
Vespa 150 VBA1T
Vespa 150 VBB1T
With wire cutting
Raw steel

Vespa PX
Vespa PE
Crude steel

Premium quality shield sheet metal for Vespa 50 N/L/R-125 Primavera VMA1T/VMA2T-ET3
Vespa 50 V5A1T N,L,R
Vespa 90 V9A1T
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1T (Adaptable)
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA2T
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
Crossbars and reinforcements NOT included, Raw finish
Measurements: Width up to the height of the brake pedal --->42 cm then it narrows like the original to 41 cm.
Total length-->128 cm Thickness--> 10/10 (like the original)

Vespa 125 VN1>2T
Vespa 150 VL1>3T
Vespa 150 VB1T
In Raw Steel

Raw footboard for Vespa 125 GT/GTR/TS/Super-150 GL/Sprint/Rally
Vespa 125 GT VNL2T
Vespa 125 GTR VNL2T
Vespa 125 TS VNL3T
Vespa 125 Super VNC1T
Vespa 150 GL VLA1T
Vespa 150 Sprint VLB1T
Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce VLB1T
Vespa 180 SS VSC1T
Vespa 180 Rally VSD1T
Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T
Measurements: Width 46 cm
Length 47 cm

Vespa 50 V5A1T N,L,R
Vespa 50 Special V5A2>3T
Vespa 50 Special V5B1>4T
Vespa 90 V9A1T
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1T>2T
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
Raw steel
With extensions

Raw platform with shield curve for Vespa 80/125/150/200 PX-PE-Arcobaleno
Vespa PX (all)
Vespa PE (all)
Raw steel
Measurements--> 56.5x46.2 cm, sheet thickness 10/10 (1 mm)
Slightly curved shield.

Vespa 150 VL1T
Vespa 150 VL2T

Complete footboard strip kit for Vespa PK50/125/S/SS/ETS/Automatica
Vespa 50 PK
Vespa 125 PK

Tip for floor strip for Vespa 125-150 VBA/VBB/GL7TS/GT/GTR/Sprint/160 GS/180SS/Rally-200 Rally
Vespa 150 VBA1T
Vespa 150 VBB1>2T
Vespa 150 GL VLA1T
Vespa 125 GT VNL2T
Vespa 125 GTR VNL2T
Vespa 125 TS VNL3T
Vespa 150 Sprint VLB1T
Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce VLB1T
Vespa 180 SS VSC1T
Vespa 180 Rally VSD1T
Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T
Vespa 160 GS VSB1T

Vespa 125 Super VNC1T
Vespa 150 Super VBC1T

Vespa PK 50
Original type

Internal strip tip for Vespa 150 VL3T/VB1T/VBA/VBB1T/GL/GS-160GS
Vespa 150 VL3T
Vespa 150 VB1T
Vespa 150 VBA1T
Vespa 150 VBB1T
Vespa 150 GL VLA1T
Vespa 150 GS VS1T>5T
Vespa 160 GS VSB1T