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Classic Vespa

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          there are 53 products
          -12% DRT primary transmission gear Z 25 on crown Z 61 (2.44) for Vespa 50 Special-N-L-R/90/125 Primavera ET3-PK-ETS

          Vespa 50 V5A1T N,L,R
          Vespa 50 Special V5A2>3T
          Vespa 50 Special V5B1>4T
          Vespa 50 PK
          Vespa 50 PK XL
          Vespa 90 V9A1T
          Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1>2T
          Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T

          Vespa 125 PK

          technical specifications

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          29,99 € 33,99 €
          24,58 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 29 points RDV = 0,58 € cashback
          -10% Helical tooth shock absorber gear (Z65)

          Helical tooth shock absorber gear (Z65)


          Vespa 125 V1T-V15T
          Vespa 125 V30T-V33T
          Vespa 125 VM1T>VM2T
          Vespa 125 VN1T>VN2T
          Vespa 150 VL1>3T
          Vespa 150 VB1T
          Vespa 150 GS VS1>5T

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          54,45 € 60,50 €
          44,63 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 54 points RDV = 1,08 € cashback
          -7% DRT full circle crankshaft cone 20 stroke 60 rod 105 for Vespa 125/150 PX-Sprint Veloce

          Vespa 125 PX VNX1>2T

          Vespa 125 PX ZAPM 74100

          Vespa 125 TS VNL3T 18139>

          Vespa 125 GTR VNL2T 145901>

          Vespa 125 Cosa VNR1T

          Vespa 150 Cosa VLR1T

          Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce VLB1T 294260>

          Vespa 150 Super VBC1T 412374>

          Vespa 150 PX 2011 ZAPM 74200

          technical specifications

          Stroke 60 mm
          Connecting rod 105
          Full shoulders

          229,00 € 245,99 €
          187,70 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 229 points RDV = 4,58 € cashback
          -7% Complete DRT crankshaft for Vespa 125 VM/VN-150 VL/VB1T

          Vespa 125 VM1T>VM2T

          Vespa 125 VN1T>2T

          Vespa 150 VL1T>VL3T

          Vespa 150 VB1T

          technical specifications

          Stroke: 57 mm connecting rod 110-double cage
          Attention--> Compatible with thermal groups in 57 stroke.
          Shoulders--> 93 mm

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          259,99 € 278,96 €
          213,11 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 259 points RDV = 5,18 € cashback
          -25% Cylinder base engine crankcase Pinasco/Quattrini for Vespa 50/90/125 Primavera ET3 / PK

          Vespa 50/90/125 Primavera ET3 / PK

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          6,72 € 8,96 €
          5,51 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 6 points RDV = 0,12 € cashback
          -12% DRT Viton engine oil seal kit for Vespa 180 SS VSC1T

          Vespa 180 SS VSC1T

          technical specifications

          Oil seal measures:

          24.9x45x6.5 mm
          32x52x5 mm
          32x57x61x6 mm

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          42,69 € 48,63 €
          34,99 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 42 points RDV = 0,84 € cashback
          -14% DRT clutch bushing for Vespa PX, T5 125cc, Cosa, Rally, TS, Sprint, GT, GTR, SS180, GS160 / GS4, GL, Super, VNA, VNB, VBA, VBB

          Vespa 125 (Excluding primavera ET3)
          Vespa 150
          Vespa 160
          Vespa 180
          Vespa 200
          All models / All Models

          technical specifications

          Material: Brass
          External diameter 28 mm
          Internal diameter 24 mm

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          12,83 € 14,96 €
          10,52 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 12 points RDV = 0,24 € cashback
          -5% Enhanced prisoner kit thermal group fastening (4 Pcs.)

          Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1T>2T
          Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
          Vespa 125 PK S/XL/N/HP

          technical specifications

          Length-->152 mm

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          18,87 € 19,86 €
          15,46 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 18 points RDV = 0,36 € cashback
          -10% Primary transmission gear pinion Z19 Teeth (19/67-3.52) for Vespa 50/N/L/R/S/Special/SS/PK50/S/SS/XL/XL2/FL/HP/N/Rush

          Vespa 50 V5A1T N/L/R

          technical specifications

          It fits perfectly replacing the original 18-tooth sprocket.

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          34,16 € 37,96 €
          28,00 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 34 points RDV = 0,68 € cashback
          -8% DRT Reinforced Cush Drive Kit (12 springs) for Vespa 25 GT/GTR/Super VNC1T 11001-

          Vespa 160 GS VSB1T
          Vespa 180 SS VSC1T
          Vespa 180 Rally VSD1T
          Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T
          Vespa PX 125
          Vespa PX 150
          Vespa PE 200

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          26,68 € 29,00 €
          21,87 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 26 points RDV = 0,52 € cashback
          -7% 4th Gear Extra Short (37 Teeth)
          Not available
          Not available

          4th Gear Extra Short (37 Teeth)


          Vespa 125 PX VNX1T 146314>

          Vespa 125 PX Rainbow VNX2T >232052

          Vespa 150 PX VLX1T 264565>

          Vespa 150 PX Rainbow VLX1T

          Vespa 150 Cosa VLR1T

          Vespa 180 Rally VSD1T

          Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T

          Vespa 200 PE VSX1T

          Vespa 200 PE Rainbow VSX1T

          Vespa 200 Cosa 1 VSR1T

          technical specifications

          Outer diameter--> 90 mm
          Inner diameter--> 62 mm
          Thickness-----------> 12.5 mm

          119,97 € 129,00 €
          98,34 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 119 points RDV = 2,38 € cashback
          -5% Clutch group gear Z 22 on primary Z67/68

          Clutch group gear Z 22 on primary Z67/68


          Vespa 125 VNB/GT/GTR/TS/PX

          Vespa 150 VBB/GL/Sprint/Sprint Veloce/PX

          technical specifications

          Diameter: 107 mm

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          37,05 € 39,00 €
          30,37 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 37 points RDV = 0,74 € cashback
          -13% DRT clutch kit with 5 discs including z23 sprocket for Vespa 125/150 VNB-GT-GTR-TS-PX-VBB-GL-Sprint-Sprint Veloce

          Vespa 125 VNB/GT/GTR/TS/PX

          Vespa 150 VBB/GL/Sprint/Sprint Veloce/PX

          technical specifications

          Kit Composed of cork discs, z23 sprocket, clutch pack locking ring, clutch bell reinforcement ring, bushing and spacer + 2mm

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          68,90 € 79,00 €
          56,48 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 68 points RDV = 1,36 € cashback
          -8% Cluster DRT Spitfire Z12-13-17-20 reinforced for Vespa 125/150/200 PX-PE-Sprint V-Rally-TS-GTR

          Vespa 125/150/200 PX-PE-Sprint V-Rally-TS-GTR

          technical specifications

          Bearing Seat--> 42 mm

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          165,00 € 180,00 €
          135,25 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 165 points RDV = 3,30 € cashback
          -5% DRT modified engine oil seal kit (external with flywheel side flange) for Vespa 125 VM/VN-150 VL/VB1T/GS

          Vespa 125 VM/VN
          Vespa 150 VL1>3T
          Vespa 150 VB1T
          Vespa 150 GS

          technical specifications

          Kit includes internal spacers, 2 Viton oil seals, flywheel side flange.
          Oil seals--> 20x32x6/20x40x7

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          37,99 € 39,99 €
          31,14 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 37 points RDV = 0,74 € cashback
          -10% Primary transmission gear pinion 22 Teeth (22-72)
          low availability
          low availability

          Primary transmission gear pinion 22 Teeth (22-72)


          Vespa 50 V5A1T N,L,R
          Vespa 50 PK
          Vespa 90 V9A1T
          Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1>2T
          Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
          Vespa 125 PK

          technical specifications

          It fits perfectly replacing the original 24-tooth sprocket.
          Ratio--> 3.30

          36,00 € 40,00 €
          29,51 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 36 points RDV = 0,72 € cashback
          -10% Clutch basket gear (Z23) on 67/68 for Vespa 125 PX-PE-Cosa

          Vespa 125 PX/PE
          Vespa 125 Cosa

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          59,39 € 65,99 €
          48,68 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 59 points RDV = 1,18 € cashback
          -22% DRT Z 23 helical gear clutch group (6 springs) on primary Z67/68 for Vespa 125/150 VNB-GT-GTR-TS-VBB-GL-Sprint-PX

          Vespa 125 VNB/GT/GTR/TS/VBB/GL/Sprint/Sprint Veloce (required 07-DH-105-DR)

          Vespa 125/150 PX

          technical specifications

          Diameter: 97 mm
          height: 34 mm

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          36,00 € 46,36 €
          29,51 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 36 points RDV = 0,72 € cashback
          -8% DRT clutch gear Z 23 for elastic gear 64/65 teeth Vespa 200-PX-PE-Rally

          Vespa 200 PE
          Vespa 200 Rally

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          64,34 € 69,96 €
          52,74 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 64 points RDV = 1,28 € cashback
          -7% Complete DRT crankshaft stroke 60 for Vespa 125 VM/VN-150 VL/VB1T
          Not available

          Vespa 125 VM1T>VM2T
          Vespa 125 VN1T>2T
          Vespa 150 VL1T>VL3T
          Vespa 150 VB1T

          technical specifications

          Stroke: 60 mm connecting rod 110-double cage
          Attention--> Compatible with thermal groups in 60 stroke.

          298,53 € 321,00 €
          244,70 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 298 points RDV = 5,96 € cashback
          -4% DRT full shoulder crankshaft
          low availability
          low availability

          DRT full shoulder crankshaft


          Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1T>2T
          Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
          Vespa 125 PK S/XL/N/HP

          technical specifications

          Cone 20 mm, stroke 53 mm, connecting rod 105 mm

          186,34 € 195,00 €
          152,74 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 186 points RDV = 3,72 € cashback
          -10% DRT z22 gear on primary straight teeth z56 for Vespa 50 N/L/R-Special-90/125/​Primavera/​ET3/​PK50/125/​S/​XL/​N/HP

          Vespa 50 V5A1T N,L,R
          Vespa 50 PK
          Vespa 90 V9A1T
          Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1>2T
          Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T

          technical specifications

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          36,00 € 40,00 €
          29,51 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 36 points RDV = 0,72 € cashback
          -11% 34-tooth gear wheel DRT 4th gear PX "old"/"PX Lusso" for Vespa 200 Rally/P125-150X 2nd/P150S 2nd/P200E/PX125-200 E/Lusso /`98/MY/`11/T5/Cosa
          low availability

           Vespa 200 Rally/P125-150X 2°/P150S 2°/P200E/PX125-200 E/Luxury /`98/MY/`11/T5/Thing 

          85,00 € 95,00 €
          69,67 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 85 points RDV = 1,70 € cashback
          -10% Primary transmission pair DRT (Z 62-18)
          low availability
          low availability

          Primary transmission pair DRT (Z 62-18)


          Vespa 50 V5A1T N/L/R

          Vespa 50 Special V5B3T

          Vespa 50 PK S/XL/N

          technical specifications

          Primary transmission pair suitable for a 75cc - 90cc thermal group, without shock absorber.

          59,40 € 66,00 €
          48,69 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 59 points RDV = 1,18 € cashback
          -5% DRT external high voltage coil with variable advance
          low availability
          low availability

          DRT external high voltage coil with variable advance


          Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
          Vespa 125/150/200 PX/PE
          Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T 0033997>
          Vespa 50/125 PK-S-XL-N

          technical specifications

          Extensively tested by DRT, it improves cold start, complete combustion of gases in the combustion chamber, more flexible and responsive engine in every condition.
          Attached you will find a legend with all the necessary instructions, a comparative chart, and initial advance settings for optimal adjustment.
          17.5° at idle speed - maximum advance at 21° - final delay 19°/18.5°
          20.5° at idle speed - maximum advance at 24° - final delay 22°/21.5°

          70,30 € 74,00 €
          57,62 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 70 points RDV = 1,40 € cashback
          -10% DRT Cluster Gear 4-Speed Racing Transmission Shaft (Z 10-14-18-21) for Vespa 50-90-125 Primavera/ET3/PK

          Vespa 50 S V5SA1T 15325>22444
          Vespa 50 Special V5B3T
          Vespa 50 Elestart V5B4T
          Vespa 50 Sprinter V5SS1T> V5SS2T
          Vespa 50 PK V5X1T
          Vespa 50 PK S V5X2T
          Vespa 50 PK S Elestart V5X2T
          Vespa 50 PK XLS V5S2T
          Vespa 50 PK XL V5X3T
          Vespa 50 PK XL Elestart V5X3T
          Vespa 50 PK XL2/ Elestart V5X3T
          Vespa 50 RUSH V5X4T
          Vespa 50 PK FL V5N1T
          Vespa 50 PK HP V5N2T
          Vespa 50 PK N V5X5T
          Vespa 50 Revival V5R1T
          Vespa PK 80

          technical specifications

          Cluster with 4th short gear (2.20)

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          99,00 € 110,00 €
          81,15 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 99 points RDV = 1,98 € cashback
          -5% DRT ignition enhancement coil
          low availability
          low availability

          DRT ignition enhancement coil


          Vespa 50 V5A1T 763501>
          Vespa 50 Special V5A2T 60910>
          Vespa 50 Special V5B1T
          Vespa 50 Special V5B3T

          technical specifications

          The coil replaces the one for the lights, thanks to a wiring (specified inside the package) it is possible to improve the ignition and, if desired, the possibility of having the stop.

          39,90 € 42,00 €
          32,70 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 39 points RDV = 0,78 € cashback
          -14% Kit of 8 reinforced clutch springs DRT for Vespa 125/150/200 Sprint-S.Veloce-GT-GTR-TS-PX-PE

          Vespa 125 VNB/GT/GTR/TS/PX

          Vespa 150 VBB/GL/Sprint/Sprint Veloce/PX

          Vespa 200 PE

          technical specifications

          for our article: 07-BO-046-DT

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          10,82 € 12,58 €
          8,87 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 10 points RDV = 0,20 € cashback
          -10% Clutch gear group Z23 on primary Z 67/68 complete with bushing, shim, and bell reinforcement for Vespa 125/150 VNB-Super-Sprint
          low availability

          Vespa 125 VNB1>6T

          Vespa 125 GT VNL1>2T

          Vespa 125 GTR VNL2T

          Vespa 125 TS VNL3T

          Vespa 125 Super VNC1T

          Vespa 150 VBA1T

          Vespa 150 VBB1>2T

          Vespa 150 GL VLA1T

          Vespa 150 Sprint VLB1T

          Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce VLB1T

          Vespa 150 Super VBC1T

          technical specifications

          Included cork and metal clutch discs

          69,29 € 76,99 €
          56,80 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 69 points RDV = 1,38 € cashback
          -14% Kit of 8 reinforced clutch springs DRT Vespa 125/150/200 Sprint-S.Veloce-GT-GTR-TS-PX-PE

          Vespa 125 VNB/GT/GTR/TS/PX

          Vespa 150 VBB/GL/Sprint/Sprint Veloce/PX

          Vespa 200 PE

          technical specifications

          Compatible with our item: 07-BO-046-DT

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          10,79 € 12,58 €
          8,84 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 10 points RDV = 0,20 € cashback
          -17% Nut and washer fastening clutch group DRT for Vespa 125/150/200 VM-VN-GT-GTR-VNA-VBA-VBB-GL-Sprint-PX
          low availability

          Vespa 125 (all except Primavera ET3)
          Vespa 150
          Vespa 160
          Vespa 180
          Vespa 200

          technical specifications

          Tightening with a 14 mm wrench

          5,65 € 6,80 €
          4,63 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 5 points RDV = 0,10 € cashback
          -5% DRT full circle crankshaft for Vespa 125/150 PX-TS
          low availability
          low availability

          DRT full circle crankshaft for Vespa 125/150 PX-TS


          Vespa 125 PX VNX1>2T

          Vespa 125 PX ZAPM 74100

          Vespa 125 TS VNL3T 18139>

          Vespa 125 GTR VNL2T 145901>

          Vespa 125 Cosa VNR1T

          Vespa 150 Cosa VLR1T

          Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce VLB1T 294260>

          Vespa 150 Super VBC1T 412374>

          Vespa 150 PX 2011 ZAPM 74200

          technical specifications

          Connecting rod: 105 mm, Stroke: 57 mm, Wrist pin: 15 mm, balanced with tungsten.

          231,80 € 244,00 €
          190,00 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 231 points RDV = 4,62 € cashback
          -5% DRT multi-gear 12-13-17-21 teeth for Vespa 180-200 Rally/​P125-150X 2°/​PX125-150E/​Lusso/​P150S 2°/​P200E/​Lusso/​'98/​MY/​'11/​T5/​Cosa

          Vespa 180-200 Rally/​P125-150X 2°/​PX125-150E/​Lusso/​P150S 2°/​P200E/​Lusso/​'98/​MY/​'11/​T5/​Cosa

          technical specifications

          DRT shock absorbers with springs included
          Fits 15X42X13 bearing

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          171,00 € 180,00 €
          140,16 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 171 points RDV = 3,42 € cashback
          -10% Clutch gear group Z21 on primary Z67/68 for Vespa 80-125-150-200 PX PE

          Vespa 80/100/125/150/200

          technical specifications

          Tested on primary Z68, it fits perfectly with 7-spring clutches (Diam.107.769mm), it is possible to mount it on 6-spring clutches by turning the disc to 97 mm. It is also possible to mount it on primary 65 teeth DRT.

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          35,91 € 39,90 €
          29,43 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 35 points RDV = 0,70 € cashback
          -5% DRT full web crankshaft

          DRT full web crankshaft


          Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T 0033997>
          Vespa 200 PE VSX1T
          Vespa 200 Cosa VSR1>2T
          Vespa 200 PE VSX1T Millennium '98

          technical specifications

          Stroke 57 mm, Connecting rod 110 mm, full shoulders of 95 mm, balanced with tungsten.

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          280,25 € 295,00 €
          229,71 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 280 points RDV = 5,60 € cashback
          -5% DRT clutch gear Z 23 for elastic gear 64/65 teeth Vespa 200-PX-PE-Rally

          Vespa 200 PE
          Vespa 200 Rally

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          55,78 € 58,72 €
          45,72 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 55 points RDV = 1,10 € cashback
          -5% "Speedy" quick throttle pulley by DRT for Vespa 50/125/150 Special-Primavera-Sprint-Rally-TS

          Vespa 50/90/125 Primavera ET3
          Vespa 80/125/150/160/180/200 Sprint-rally-Ts-PX

          technical specifications

          In aluminum

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          12,34 € 12,99 €
          10,12 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 12 points RDV = 0,24 € cashback
          -5% DRT oversized prisoner kit thermal group fastening M7x152 (4 Pcs)
          low availability

          Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1T>2T
          Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
          Vespa 125 PK S/XL/N/HP
          Vespa PX-PE

          technical specifications

          Practical wrench fastening

          18,99 € 19,99 €
          15,57 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 18 points RDV = 0,36 € cashback
          -10% DRT Z22 clutch gear on Polini Z64 primary for Vespa 80-125-150-200 PX PE-GT-GTR-SPRINT-V-TS-GL-RALLY

          Vespa 80-125-150-200 PX PE-GT-GTR-SPRINT-V-TS-GL-RALLY

          technical specifications

          For clutch 6 springs d. 97 mm

          Shipping time
          24/48 hours
          32,39 € 35,99 €
          26,55 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 32 points RDV = 0,64 € cashback
          -10% Cluster Gear DRT 4-Speed Racing Transmission Shaft (Z 10-14-18-20) for Vespa 50-90-125 Primavera/ET3/PK
          Not available

          Vespa 50 S V5SA1T 15325>22444
          Vespa 50 Special V5B3T
          Vespa 50 Elestart V5B4T
          Vespa 50 Sprinter V5SS1T> V5SS2T
          Vespa 50 PK V5X1T
          Vespa 50 PK S V5X2T
          Vespa 50 PK S Elestart V5X2T
          Vespa 50 PK XLS V5S2T
          Vespa 50 PK XL V5X3T
          Vespa 50 PK XL Elestart V5X3T
          Vespa 50 PK XL2/ Elestart V5X3T
          Vespa 50 RUSH V5X4T
          Vespa 50 PK FL V5N1T
          Vespa 50 PK HP V5N2T
          Vespa 50 PK N V5X5T
          Vespa 50 Revival V5R1T
          Vespa PK 80

          technical specifications

          Cluster with 4th close-ratio gear (2.30)

          99,00 € 110,00 €
          81,15 € VAT excluded
          1 point RDV = 2 cents 99 points RDV = 1,98 € cashback

          Hai visualizzato 40 di 53 prodotti

          1 2