Classic Vespa

Vespa 125 VM2T
Vespa 125 VN1T>VN2T
Vespa 125 VNA1T>VNA2T
Lower diameter: 11mm

Vespa 150 VL3T
Vespa 150 VB1T
Vespa 150 VBA1T >110485
Vespa 150 GS VS2>VS5T
Lower diameter: 9 mm

Vespa 98
Vespa 125 V1T>15T
Vespa 125 V30T>33T
Ape A1>15T
Kit composed of: 2 cork discs, 2 steel discs, 6 springs

Vespa 125 V30>33T
Vespa 125 U VU1T
Diameter-->95 mm
Parabola, Glass, lamp holder and frame Marked SIEM

Vespa 125 V30>33T
Vespa 125 U VU1T
Diameter-->95 mm

Vespa 50 PK S Automatic VA51T
Vespa 50 N Plurimatic V5P1T
Vespa 50 N Plurimatic V5P2T
Vespa 50 PK Automatic V5P2T
Vespa PK 125 S Automatic VAM1T
Outer diameter-->155 mm

Vespa 50 Special V5A2T
Vespa 50 Special V5B2T
Vespa 50 Special V5B3T
For foreign models (D) with direction indicator

Vespa V98T
Vespa 125 V1T>15T
Vespa 125 V30T>33T
Vespa U VU1T

Vespa 50 PK FL V5N1T
Vespa 50 PK HP V5N2T
Vespa 125 N (FL) VMX7T
In Burnished Steel

Vespa 50 PK FL V5N1T
Vespa 50 PK HP V5N2T
Vespa 50 N Plurimatic V5P1T
Vespa 50 N Plurimatic V5P2T
Vespa 125 PK Automatica VVM2T
Vespa 125 N (FL) VMX7T

Vespa 50 PK FL V5N1T
Vespa 50 PK HP V5N2T
Vespa 50 N Plurimatic V5P1T
Vespa 50 N Plurimatic V5P2T
Vespa 125 PK Automatic VVM2T
Vespa 125 N (FL) VMX7T

Vespa 50 PK FL V5N1T
Vespa 50 PK HP V5N2T
Vespa 50 N Plurimatic V5P1T
Vespa 50 N Plurimatic V5P2T
Vespa 125 PK Automatic VVM2T
Vespa 125 N (FL) VMX7T

Vespa 50 PK FL V5N1T
Vespa 50 PK HP V5N2T
Vespa 50 PK N V5X5T
Vespa 50 N Plurimatic V5P1T
Vespa 50 N Plurimatic V5P2T
Vespa 50 PK Automatic V5P2T
Vespa 125 PK Automatic VVM2T
Vespa 125 N (FL) VMX7T
Color--> Black and aluminum
Mounting--> 2 pins with 25 mm spacing

7x7x21 cm
Single compartment with zip closure

Vespa 98
Vespa 125 V1T>15T
Parabola, Glass, lamp holder and frame Marked SIEM
Ribbed glass up to halfway

Vespa 50 PK FL V5N1T
Vespa 50 PK HP V5N2T
Vespa 50 PK XL2/ Elestart V5X3T
Vespa 125 N (FL) VMX7T
Vespa 125 PK XL VMX6T
Diameter--> 13 mm
Height--> 33 mm

Vespa 150 GS VS2>5T

Vespa 125 VM2T
Vespa 125 VL2>3T
Vespa 150 VB1T
Vespa 150 GS VS1>5T

Vespa PX (all)
Vespa PE (all)
In Plastic, chrome-plated

Clutch gear group Z 20 on primary Z67 for Vespa 125/150 PX Arcobaleno
Vespa 80/125/150 PX Rainbow
Straight Teeth: No.26
Helical Teeth: No. 20

Brass Contact Lamp Holder Kit (Modification with second lamp housing for STOP)
Vespa 125 VM2T
Vespa 125 VN1T
Vespa 125 VN2T
Vespa 125 VNA1T
Vespa 125 VNA2T
Vespa 150 VL1T
Vespa 150 VL2T
Vespa 150 VL3T
Vespa 150 VB1T
Vespa 150 GS VS1T
Vespa 150 GS VS2T
Vespa 150 GS VS3T

Vespa 98
Vespa 125 V1T>15T
Vespa 125 V30T>33T
Vespa 125 U VU1T
Diameter: 95 mm

Vespa 98 V98T
Vespa 125 V1T>15T
Vespa 125 V30>33T
Ape A1>15T

Vespa PX 125
Vespa PX 150
Vespa PX 80

Vespa 125 from 1953
Vespa 150 from 1954
Vespa 160
Vespa 180
Vespa PX
Vespa PE
Dimensions: 25x62x12 mm
Main feature: Polyamide cage that reduces ball friction

Vespa 125 VNB3>6T
In Aluminum Casting
Inner Diameter: 125 mm

Vespa 50 (Adaptable)
Vespa 90 (Adaptable)
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1T>2T (Adaptable)
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T (Adaptable)
Vespa 125 TS VNL3T 1975>1978
Vespa 160 GS VSB1T 1963>1964
Vespa 180 SS VSCT 1964>1968
Vespa 180 Rally VSD1T 1964
Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T from 1972 to 1979
Kit for a Vespa
Color: Cream

Vespa PX disc brake
Vespa PX/PE Arcobaleno (With Electric Start)
In painted metal, black color
For models with electric start

Vespa 125 VN2T
Vespa 150 VB1T
Vespa 150 VL2T>3T
Vespa 150 GL VGL1T (Abroad)
With anti-rust treatment

Vespa 150 VBB1T
2-wire coil: Green, Blue

Cosa 125 VNR1T
Cosa 125 VNR1T
Cosa 2 125 VNR2T
Cosa 150 VLR1T
Cosa 150 VLR1T
Cosa 2 150 VLR2T
Cosa 200 VSR1T
Cosa 200 VSR1T
Cosa 200 VSR1T
In Grey Plastic

Vespa 160 GS VSB1T
Vespa 180 SS VSC1T
In Aluminum Casting

Clutch basket gear Z23 -65 for Vespa PX200 E Lusso '95->/'98/MY/Cosa 2 200
Vespa 200 Cosa VSR1T
Vespa 200 PE VSX1T 1995>
Helical Teeth: No. 23

Vespa 125 PX VNX1T 68767>
Vespa 150 PX VLX1T 124324>
Vespa 200 PE VSX1T 33285>
Vespa PK
Vespa PX Arcobaleno series (all)
Internal diameter: 22 mm

Vespa 125
Vespa 150
Vespa 180
Vespa 200 Rally
Including Tie Rods and Pads

Vespa 80/125/150/200
For carburetors type SI

Vespa 80/125/150/200
For carburetors type SI
Kit includes: 1 BE3 emulsifier, 1 air calibrator of 160, 5 main jets (106-108-110-112-115)

Idle jet kit Dellorto for carburetor type SI (58-60-62-65-68/160)
Vespa 80/125/150/200
For carburetors type SI

Vespa 80/125/150/200
For carburetors type SI