Classic Vespa

Complete SGR stator for Vespa 125/150/200 PX-PE without electric start
Vespa 125 PX VNX2T
Vespa 150 VLX1T
Vespa PX 200E VSX1T
Rainbow Series
12V electronic stator with 5 wires consisting of: 2-wire round connector: Black and Blue; 3 wires in colors: white, green, red.

Buffer for stand collision Vespa 80/125/150/200 PX-PE-Arcobaleno-T5
Vespa 125 PX
Vespa 150 PX
Vespa 200 PE
Vespa PX Rainbow series
Vespa 125 T5
In rubber

Vespa P 80 V8A1T
Vespa PX 80 E
Vespa P 125 X VNX1T
Vespa PX 125 E
Vespa 125 PX E Arcobaleno
Vespa 125 PX E Arcobaleno Elestart VNX2T>200000
Vespa PX 125 T5 VNX5T (parking light)
Vespa P 150 X VLX1T
Vespa PX 150 E VLX1T
Vespa P 200 E VSX1T
Vespa PX 200 E VSX1T
BA9S Socket 6v 0.3 watt

Cuffia raffreddamento 180 BFA in carbonio Thomas Compositi per Vespa 50/90/125 Primavera ET3-PK
Vespa 50/90/125 Primavera ET3-PK
Realizzata in fibra di carbonio di alta qualità, offre una finitura lucida (od opaca a scelta del cliente) conferita da 3 strati di trasparente anti UV.Dove necessario, sono presenti dei rinforzi in carbon/kevlar per rendere ancora più sicura la resistenza ad eventuali urti.Compatibile con i prodotti originali e di serie.Prodotto completamente made in Italy.

Carburatore dell' Orto VHSB 39 ND Racing valvola piatta per Vespa 50/90/125/150/200 Special-GT-GTR-TS-PX-GL-ET3
Adattabile a tutti i modelli / All Models
-Ø 39 mm
-getto max 215
-getto min 120
- Emulsionatore DQ262
-spillo K76

Fabbri Racing fan PVL ignition anodized Blue for Vespa 50/90/125 Special/N-L-R-Primavera-PK
Vespa 50 V5A1T N,L,R, Vespa 50 Special V5A2>3T, Vespa 50 Special V5B1>4T, Vespa 50 PK S/XL, Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1T>2T, Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T, Vespa 125 PK S/XL
Material: CNC machined aluminum

Vespa 125/150 V30-33T/VM1-2T

Jasil crankshaft advanced (20 mm cone) for Vespa 50 PK XL/N/HP/FL
Vespa 50 PK XL /N/HP
Ape 50
rotary disc valve
stroke: 43.0mm
connecting rod: 87.0mm
cone 20/20mm, M12

Rear brake lever/cam for Vespa 50 N/L/R-Special/125 Primavera ET3
Vespa 50 N/L/R-Special/125 Primavera ET3

Bolt plate, washer, and nut for Vespa 125 GT/GTR/150 Sprint/V/Super/GL trims
Frieze fastening

Vespa 125/150/160/180/200
Long reach type N4C

Pair of right and left engine crossbar buffers for Vespa 160 GS/180 SS/180 Rally
Vespa 160 GS
Vespa 180 SS
Vespa 200 Rally

Tameni crankshaft cone 20 full shoulders (87) stroke 54 rod 97 for Vespa 125 Primavera ET3/PK/ETS
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1T>2T
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
Vespa 125 PK S/XL/N/HP

Helical teeth cush drive gear (Z68) for Vespa P80-150X/PX80-150 E/Lusso/'98/MY/'11/Cosa 125-200/T5
Vespa P 125 X VNX1T 146314>
Vespa PX 125 E VNX2T
Vespa 125 PX E Arcobaleno VNX2T
Vespa 125 PX E Arcobaleno Elestart VNX2T
Vespa PX 125 T5 VNX5T
Vespa PX 125 T5 Elestart VNX5T
Vespa 125 PX CAT ZAPM50100 '07
Vespa 125 PX VNX1T Millenium '98>'05
Vespa 125 Cosa VNR1T
Vespa 125 Cosa 2 VNR2T
Vespa 125 PX 2011 ZAPM74100 2T AC
Vespa P 150 X VLX1T 264565>
Vespa PX 150 E VLX1T
Vespa PX 150 E Arcobaleno VLX1T
Vespa PX 150 E Arcobaleno Elestart VLX1T
Vespa 150
Thickness: 13 mm

CGM "California" vintage helmet goggles in brown with clear lens

Material: 100% Cotton

Vespa 50 PK XL-XL RUSH
Warehouse clearance until stocks last.

Grimeca NT semi-hydraulic disc brake kit "Classic Look" for Vespa P80-150X/P200E 1°/PX80-150E 1°
Vespa P 80 V8A1T
Vespa PX 80 E V8X1T
Vespa P 125 X VNX1T
Vespa PX 125 E VNX2T > 1115
Vespa P 150 X VLX1T
Vespa PX 150 E VLX1T>346430
Vespa P 200 E VSX1T
Vespa PX 200 E VSX1T>112624
Complete kit with everything needed for assembly, no modifications of any kind are required.
Product of the highest structural quality, tested and sold worldwide.

Vespa 150 VL3T
Vespa 150 VB1T
Economic model, does not meet the standards of originality.

Left mirror mounting bracket for Vespa 125 VNB3>6T-GS-VB1T-VBA1T-VBB1T>2T-VSB1T
Vespa 125 VNB3T> VNB6T
Vespa 150 VBA1T
Vespa 150 VB1T
Vespa 150 VBB1T> VBB2T
Vespa 150 GS VS2T> VS5T
Vespa 160 GS VSB1T
Main feature: Mounting through longer handlebar tightening bolt
Attention: Compatible ONLY with M10 threaded mirrors.
Finish: Chrome

Chromed rearview mirror (RH) without bracket for Vespa 50/90/125/150/200
Vespa 50/80/90/125/150/180/200
stem length: 160mm
Ø glass =100mm
Thread: M8x1.25mm

Black flyscreen with black brackets "Moto Nostra" for Vespa 125-150-200 PX-PE
Vespa PX
Vespa PE
Included: Brackets, screws, and assembly instructions
Dimensions--> L 105mm, H 340mm

AGM Battery 12V-1.3Ah for Backup Use Digital Odometer-Various for Vespa 50/90/125/150/160/180/200
Vespa 50/90/125/150/160/180/200
VOLT 12AH1.3

RMS Classic Inner Tube 3.00/3.50-10 TR87 for Vespa 125 Primavera ET3/GT/GTR/TS/PX-150 Sprint/Sprint V./PX-160 GS/180 SS/Rally-PE
Vespa 50 from '71, Vespa 125 from '66, Vespa 150 from '66, Vespa 150 GS VS1>5T, Vespa 160 GS VSB1T, Vespa 180 SS VSC1T, Vespa 180 Rally VSD1T,
Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T, Vespa PE
90-degree valve
Vee Rubber

RMS Classic Inner Tube 2.75/9 TR87 for Vespa 50 N/L/R-Special V5A2>3T
Vespa 50 V5A1T N,L,R
Vespa 50 Special V5A2>3T
Vee Rubber
90-degree valve
2.75/9 (2,3/4-9)

Vee Rubber Inner Tube 2.75/9 TR87 for Vespa 50 N/L/R-Special V5A2>3T
Vespa 50 V5A1T N,L,R
Vespa 50 Special V5A2>3T
Vee Rubber
90-degree valve
2.75/9 (2,3/4-9)

Odometer and tachometer Sip 2.0 for Vespa 50 SS/90 SS/125/PV/ET3/GTR/TS/Super/150 Sprint V/Super/Rally
Vespa 50 SS V5SS1>2T
Vespa 90 SS V9SS1T
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1T>2T
Vespa 125 Super VNC1T
Vespa 125 GTR VNL2T
Vespa 125 TS VNL3T
Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce VLB1T
Vespa 150 Super VBC1T
Vespa 180 Rally VSD1T
Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T
Black background, scaled to 140 KM/H
Digital and analog with 20 available functions, wiring and instructions are included in the package.

Odometer and tachometer SIP 2.0 for Vespa 50 SS/90 SS/125/PV/ET3/GTR/TS/Super/150 Sprint V/Super/Rally
Vespa 50 SS V5SS1>2T
Vespa 90 SS V9SS1T
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1T>2T
Vespa 125 Super VNC1T
Vespa 125 GTR VNL2T
Vespa 125 TS VNL3T
Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce VLB1T
Vespa 150 Super VBC1T
Vespa 180 Rally VSD1T
Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T
White background, scaled to 140 KM/H
Digital and analog with 20 functions available, wiring and instructions are included in the package.

ATHENA gear preselector gasket for Vespa 125 VNA-TS/150 VBA-VBB-GL/Super/160 GS/180 SS/Rally/PX80-200/PE/T5/Cosa-also for LML Star 125-200 2T/4T/Deluxe 2T/4S/Speedy/Stella
Vespa 125 from 1958
Vespa 150 from 1959

Odometer and tachometer Sip 2.0 for Vespa 50 SS/90 SS/125/PV/ET3/GTR/TS/Super/150 Sprint V/Super/Rally
Vespa 50 SS V5SS1>2T
Vespa 90 SS V9SS1T
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1T>2T
Vespa 125 Super VNC1T
Vespa 125 GTR VNL2T
Vespa 125 TS VNL3T
Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce VLB1T
Vespa 150 Super VBC1T
Vespa 180 Rally VSD1T
Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T
Black background, scaled to 140 KM/H
Digital and analog with 20 available functions, wiring and instructions are included in the package.

Vespa 125 VNB1>6T
Vespa 150 VBA1T
Vespa 150 VBB1>2T

Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T
Vespa P 200 E VSX1T
Vespa PX 200 E VSX1T

Athena Engine Gasket Kit for Vespa 200 Rally/P200E/PX200 E/'98/MY/Cosa 200
Vespa 200 PX
Vespa 200 PE
Vespa 200 Cosa
For models with mixer

Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1>2T
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
For SHBC 18D, 19D carburetors, etc.

SIP luggage rack for footboard in grey color for Vespa PX80/125/150/200/PE
Vespa PX
Vespa PE
With padded backrest and handles.
Fixing via tank bolts.

Vespa PX
Vespa PE
With padded backrest and handles.
Mounting via tank bolts.

Chrome luggage rack with backrest and spare wheel holder for Vespa PX80/125/150/200/PE
Vespa PX
Vespa PE
With padded backrest and handles.
Fastening with tank bolts.

Vespa 125/150/200 PX-PE Rainbow

Elastic ring for piston pin 16x1.20mm type G for Vespa PX-PE 200
Vespa PX-PE 200

Complete frame for Vespa 125 Primavera VMA2T-ET3 with large side door, glove compartment door, fuel tank
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA2T
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
WARNING: All these frames are delivered without a frame number. The original frame number must be stamped on the replacement frame BEFORE it can be legally used on the road!