Spare Parts and Accessories for Vespa

Vespa 125 Cosa 2 VNR2T
Vespa 150 Cosa 2 VLR2T
Vespa 200 Cosa VSR1T

Vespa 50 Primavera / Touring 4V ZAPC53100
Vespa 50 Primavera 3V Euro4 ZAPCA0100 4T AC `17-'18
Vespa 50 Primavera 3V Touring Euro4 ZAPCA0100 4T AC `17-`18
Vespa 50 Primavera 4V ZAPC531 4T AC
Vespa 50 Primavera ZAPC532 2T AC
Vespa 50 Primavera ZAPCA0102 4T AC '18
Vespa 50 Sprint 3V Euro4 ZAPCA0101 4T AC `17
Vespa 50 Sprint 4 V ZAPC53101 4T AC
Vespa 50 Sprint Sport ZAPC53201 4T AC
Vespa 50 Sprint ZAPC53201 2T AC
Vespa Primavera Electric ZAPCB0100 '18
Vespa 125 Primavera i.e 3V ZAPM811 '2013
Vespa 125 Primavera i.e. 3V iGet RP

Vespa 50 V5A1T N/L/R
Vespa 50 Special V5A2>3T
Vespa 50 Special V5B1>4T
Vespa 50 PK S/XL/N/HP
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1>2T
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
Vespa 125 PK S/XL/N/HP
Complete shim kit for proper alignment of the gearbox, cluster, starter, includes spacers to eliminate any play in the bearing seat. A detailed diagram is included in the package.

Sip Racing Vintage exhaust for Vespa 125 VNB/GT/GTR/TS/PX-150 Sprint V/GL/VBB/PX
Vespa 125 VNA1>2T
Vespa 125 VNB1>6T
Vespa 125 GT/GTR/TS/Super
Vespa 125 PX
Vespa 150 VBA1T
Vespa 150 VBB1>2T
Vespa 150 Sprint/GL/Super
Vespa 150 PX
dual exhaust terminal, it is not possible to use the spare wheel

Complete leather-colored seat for Vespa 125/150/200 PX Arcobaleno
Vespa 80/125/150/200 PX Rainbow
Two-seater, spring base, with lock and handle

Vespa 125 V1>15T
Vespa 125 V30>33T
Vespa 125 VM1>2T
Vespa 125 VN1>2T
Vespa 125 VNA1>2T
Vespa 125 VNB1>3T
Vespa 150 VL1>3T
Vespa 150 VB1T
Vespa 150 VBA1T
Vespa 150 VBB1T

Vespa 125 PX T5 VNX5T
Manufacturer: MEC EUR (100% Made in Italy)

SIP tubeless aluminum rim in aluminum gray color 2.10/10 for Vespa 50-125/PV/ET3/PK/S/XL/XL2/125 GT-TS/150 GL/GS VS5T/Sprint/V/T4/Rally/PX/PE/Lusso/T5/LML Star/DLX/Deluxe 2T/4T
Vespa 50/80/90/125/150/160/180/200
Size--> 2.10-10" with pre-installed valve

Chrome rearview mirror (left) original Piaggio for Vespa 50/125/150 Primavera
Vespa 50 Primavera ZAPC532 2T AC `13
Vespa 50 Primavera 4V ZAPC531 4T AC `13
Vespa 150 Primavera i.e. 3V 4T AC `13
Vespa 125 Primavera i.e. 3V ZAPM811 4T AC `13-`15
8 mm Thread
E Approval
Orig. Ref. CM261901

Lock block kit (2 pcs) with transponder for Vespa ET4/LX/LXV/S 125-150ccm/ET2 i.e./Primavera 50ccm
Vespa ET4/LX/LXV/S 125-150ccm/ET2 i.e./Primavera 50ccm

Vespa 150 GS VS1>4T
Size: 3.50x10
Color: Aluminum

Vespa 50 LX ZAPC38300 4T AC
Vespa 50 LX ZAPC38101 2T AC
Vespa 50 LX 4V ZAPC38700 4T AC
Vespa 50 LX V ZAPC38102 2T AC
Vespa 125 LX i.e ZAPM68100 4T AC
Vespa 125 LX i.e. 3V ZAPM68100 4T AC
Vespa 125 LX ZAPM44100 4T AC
Vespa 125 LX ZAPM44300 4T AC
Vespa 125 LXV i.e. 3v ZAPM68300
Vespa 125 LXV i.e. ZAPM68102 4T AC
Vespa 125 LXV ZAPM44301 4T AC
Vespa 150 LX ZAPM44200 4T AC
Vespa 150 LX i.e. 3V ZAPM68400 4T AC
Vespa 150 LX ZAPM
Chromed plastic body, complete with lamp
Lamp BAY15d

Vespa 50 ET2 ZAPC16000 2T AC `96
Vespa 50 ET2 cat euro 2 ZAPC38100 2T AC `00
Vespa 50 ET2 i.e. ZAPC12000 2T AC
Vespa 50 ET4 ZAPC 4T AC
Vespa 125 ET4 Alt ZAPM04 4T AC `96-`99
Vespa 125 ET4 Leader 4T AC `00
Vespa 150 ET4 Alt ZAPM04 4T AC ´96-´99
Vespa 150 ET4 Leader ZAPM19 4T AC `00

DRT pinion primary transmission gear z26 on crown z69 for Vespa Vespa 50/90/125 Special-Primavera-ET3-PK
Vespa 50 V5A1T N,L,R
Vespa 50 PK
Vespa 90 V9A1T
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1>2T
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
Vespa 125 PK
It fits perfectly by replacing the original 27-tooth sprocket.

Original Piaggio rubber mat in black for Vespa 80/125/150/200 PX-PE-Arcobaleno
Vespa PX
Vespa PE

All Models / Tutti i modelli
Note: Soft type with high heat resistance and maximum transmission power
Measurements: Diameter 7 mm, length 50 cm

All models / Tutti i modelli

Vespa 125/200 Granturismo

Vespa 125/200 Granturismo GT-GT L

Vespa 150 GS VS1T>5t
Length-->79.00 mm

Racing Exhaust SIP Road XL 2.0 for Vespa 200 Rally/P200E/PX200 E/Lusso/'98/MY/Cosa 200
Vespa PE 200
Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T
Painted in black

Vespa 125 PX VNX1>2T
Vespa 125 PX ZAPM 74100
Vespa 125 TS VNL3T 18139>
Vespa 125 GTR VNL2T 145901>
Vespa 125 Cosa VNR1T
Vespa 150 Cosa VLR1T
Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce VLB1T 294260>
Vespa 150 Super VBC1T 412374>
Vespa 150 PX 2011 ZAPM 74200
Connecting rod: 105 mm
Stroke: 57 mm
Wrist pin: 15 mm

Original Piaggio handlebar for Vespa GTS/GTS Super/GT/GT L 125-300ccm
Vespa GTS/GTS Super/GT/GT L 125-300cc

Vespa 150 GS VS2>5T
nodular cast iron
2 transfers
Ø 57.8mm
stroke 57mm
without cylinder head

Original Piaggio grey handlebar grips for Vespa 125 VNB/GL/VBA/GS
Vespa 150 VB1T
Vespa 150 VBA1T
Vespa 150 VBB1T > VBB2T
Vespa 125 VNB3T > VNB6T
Vespa 150 GS VS2T > VS5T
Vespa GS 160 VSB1T
Vespa 150 GL VGL1T
Vespa 150 GL VGLA1T
Vespa 150 GL VGLB1T
Diameter: 21 mm
Color: Gray

Vespa 50/125/150 LX-LXV-Primavera-S

Polini crankshaft advanced cone 20 stroke 57 for Vespa 125/150 PX-Sprint Veloce
Vespa 125 PX VNX1>2T
Vespa 125 PX ZAPM 74100
Vespa 125 TS VNL3T 18139>
Vespa 125 GTR VNL2T 145901>
Vespa 125 Cosa VNR1T
Vespa 150 Cosa VLR1T
Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce VLB1T 294260>
Vespa 150 Super VBC1T 412374>
Vespa 150 PX 2011 ZAPM 74200
Stroke 57 mm

Rear luggage rack plate FA for Vespa GTS/GTS Super/GTV/GT 60, 125-300ccm
Vespa GTS/GTS Super/GTV/GT 60, 125-300ccm

Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1>2T
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
Vespa 125 ETS
Vespa 125 PK
Brand: Polini
Bore: 57
Stroke: 51
Displacement: 130 cc

Vespa 50/90/125/150/160/180/200
Kit composed of 1 nut and 1 rod

Vespa 50/125/150 LX/LXV/S

Vespa 125 VM1>2T
Vespa 125 VN1>2T
Vespa 125 VNA1>2T
Vespa 125 VNB1>4T
Vespa 125 VNB5T>026920
Vespa 150 VL1>3T
Vespa 150 VB1T
Vespa 150 VBA1T
Vespa 150 VBB1T
Vespa 150 VBB2T>212455
Vespa 150 GL VLA1T>67468
Vespa 150 GS VS1>5T

Vespa 125 Cosa VNR1T
Vespa 125 Cosa 2 VNR2T
Vespa 150 Cosa VLR1T
Vespa 150 Cosa 2 VLR2T
Vespa 200 Cosa 2 VSR1T
Lamp complete

Vespa 160 GS VSB1T >0030200
Length: 45cm

Vespa 50 PK V5X1T
Vespa 50 PK S V5X2T
Vespa 125 PK S VMX1T
Vespa 125 PK S VMX5T
Original type with central seam
Supplied raw, sheet metal 10/10

Raw platform complete with crossbars and reinforcements for Vespa 50 N 92877 ->/L/R/SS/90 SS/125 PV/ET3
Vespa 50 V5A1T N,L,R
Vespa 50 Special V5A2>3T
Vespa 50 Special V5B1>4T
Vespa 90 V9A1T
Vespa 125 Primavera VMA1T>2T
Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T
l=700 mm
l=420 mm
Thickness: 10/10

Direction indicator and light

Vespa P 125 X VNX1T
Vespa P 150 X VLX1T
Only for 6-volt systems without indicators

Racing gear preselector "LIZTOR" for Vespa 125 VNB5-6T-TS/150 VBB-Super/160 GS/180 SS/Rally/PX80-200/PE/Lusso/T5
Vespa 125 VNB5-6T-TS/150 VBB-Super/160 GS/180 SS/Rally/PX80-200/PE/Lusso/T5