Front RACING fender in carbon for Vespa 50/90/125 Special-N-L-R-Primavera-ET3 with ZIP SP-ET2-Quartz fork
Made from high-quality carbon fiber, it offers a glossy finish
(or matte, at the customer's choice) provided by 3 layers of
UV-resistant clear coat. Where necessary, there are carbon/kevlar reinforcements to further ensure resistance to potential impacts. Compatible with original and standard products. Completely made in Italy.
Vespa 50/90/125 Special-N-L-R-Primavera-ET3

Vespa 125 VNA1T>2T
Vespa 125 VNB1T>2T

Vespa 50 PK V5X1T
Vespa 50 PK S V5X2T
Vespa 80 PK S V8X5T
Vespa 100 PK S V9X1T
Vespa 125 PK VMX1T
Vespa 125 PK S VMX5T
Vespa 125 PK ETS VMS1T

Pair of right and left engine crossbar buffers for Vespa 160 GS/180 SS/180 Rally
Vespa 160 GS
Vespa 180 SS
Vespa 200 Rally

Recommended for racing use
- 4 discs
- 8 springs