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Spare Parts and Accessories > Classico > Food group > Fuel hoses and parts > Quick release fuel hose Ø8mm for all models
Quick release fuel hose Ø8mm for all models

Quick release fuel hose Ø8mm for all models

technical specifications

Practical quick-release coupling, which is mounted in the fuel hose. If, for example, the tank or carburetor needs to be removed, the flexible hose is disconnected at the coupling. The internal valves on each side of the joint prevent fuel loss.

With the simple touch of a button, they can be quickly separated with a single hand movement and easily reassembled by snapping them together.

Shipping time:

24/48 hours

1 point RDV = 2 cents 13 points RDV = 0,26 € cashback
13,90 €
11,39 € VAT excluded

All Models

Models 50cc
Vespa 50 , Vespa 50 S V5SA1T , Vespa 50 N V5A1T , Vespa 50 L V5A1T , Vespa 50 R V5A1T , Vespa 50 SS V5SS1T , Vespa 50 Sprinter V5SS2T , Vespa 50 Special V5A2T , Vespa 50 Elestart V5A3T , Vespa 50 Special V5B1T , Vespa 50 Elestart V5B2T , Vespa 50 Special V5B3T , Vespa 50 Elestart V5B4T , Vespa 50 PK V5X1T , Vespa 50 PK S V5X2T , Vespa 50 PK S Elestart V5X2T , Vespa 50 PK XLS V5S2T , Vespa 50 PK XL V5X3T , Vespa 50 PK XL Elestart V5X3T , Vespa 50 RUSH V5X4T , Vespa 50 PK N V5X5T , Vespa 50 N Plurimatic V5P1T , Vespa 50 N Plurimatic V5P2T , Vespa 50 Revival V5R1T
Models 80-90cc
Vespa 80 , Vespa 90 , Vespa P 80 V8A1T , Vespa PX 80 E V8X1T , Vespa PK 80 S V8XST , Vespa 90 V9A1T , Vespa 90 SS V9SS1T , Vespa 90 Racer V9SS2T
Models 125cc
Vespa 98 V.98 , Vespa 125 , Vespa 125 V1T-V15T , Vespa 125 V30T-V33T , Vespa 125 U VU1T , Vespa 125 VM1T , Vespa 125 VM2T , Vespa 125 VN1T , Vespa 125 VN2T , Vespa 125 VNA1T , Vespa 125 VNA2T , Vespa 125 VNB1T , Vespa 125 VNB2T , Vespa 125 VNB3T , Vespa 125 VNB4T , Vespa 125 VNB5T , Vespa 125 VNB6T , Vespa 125 Super VNC1T , Vespa 125 GT VNL1T , Vespa 125 GT VNL2T , Vespa 125 GT R VNL2T , Vespa 125 TS VNL3T , Vespa 125 Nuova VMA1T , Vespa 125 Primavera VMA2T , Vespa 125 Primavera ET3 VMB1T , Vespa 125 ETS VMS1T , Vespa 125 PK S VMX1T , Vespa 125 PK S VMX5T , Vespa 125 PK S Elestart VMX5T , Vespa 125 PK XL VMX6T , Vespa 125 PK XL Elestart VMX6T , Vespa 125 N (FL) VMX7T , Vespa P 125 X VNX1T , Vespa PX 125 E VNX2T , Vespa 125 PX E Arcobaleno Elestart VNX2T , Vespa PX 125 T5 VNX5T , Vespa PX 125 T5 Elestart VNX5T
Models 150cc
Vespa 150 , Vespa 150 GS VS1T , Vespa 150 GS VS2T , Vespa 150 GS VS3T , Vespa 150 GS VS4T , Vespa 150 GS VS5T , Vespa 150 VL1T , Vespa 150 VL2T , Vespa 150 VL3T , Vespa 150 VB1T , Vespa 150 VBA1T , Vespa 150 VBB1T , Vespa 150 VBB2T , Vespa 150 GL VGL1T , Vespa 150 GL VGLA1T , Vespa 150 GL VGLB1T , Vespa 150 GL VLA1T , Vespa 150 Super VBC1T , Vespa 150 Sprint VLB1T , Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce VLB1T , Vespa P 150 X VLX1T , Vespa PX 150 E VLX1T , Vespa PX 150 E Arcobaleno VLX1T , Vespa PX 150 E Arcobaleno Elestart VLX1T
Models 160-180cc
Vespa 160 , Vespa 180 , Vespa 160 GS VSB1T , Vespa 180 Rally VSD1T , Vespa 180 SS VSC1T
Models 200cc
Vespa 200 , Vespa 250 , Vespa 200 Rally VSE1T , Vespa P 200 E VSX1T , Vespa PX 200 E VSX1T , Vespa PX 200 E Arcobaleno VSX1T , Vespa PX 200 E Arcobaleno Elestart VSX1T
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technical specifications

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technical specifications

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Vespa 125/150 Sprint V-PX-TS-PE-GT-GTR-Rally

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Buzzetti Pliers for Closing Flexible Fuel Hoses


Vespa 50/80/90/125/150/180/200

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technical specifications

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technical specifications

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Ref. Orig: 113010

Shipping time
24/48 hours
3,19 € 3,99 €
2,62 € VAT excluded
1 point RDV = 2 cents 3 points RDV = 0,06 € cashback